For this exercise I used three different reflectors; white, silver and gold.
I started off by taking a photo with just one source of light to benchmark form. This light was a spotlight positioned to the left of the frame. I used two different subjects. In both these images it is clear that one side of the faces is in shadow.
For the next set of images, I used a white reflector positioned to the right of the frame and slightly in front of the subjects. Although the reflector did provide lighting on the right side, it was quite subtle and at times I was not even sure if I was seeing much of a difference.
For the next image I used a gold reflector and this made the most significant difference, changing the skin tone of both subjects a yellow-gold. This reflector also lit up the right side of the face significantly more, especially for the younger person. When I compare the two subjects, the gold is also far more apparent with the younger person and creates a softer texture.
I then used the silver reflector and although it was brighter than the white reflector it did not give a noticeably different colour.
At this stage I am not completely satisfied with this exercise as the results have been difficult to interpret. The only reflector that made a significant difference was the gold one, for the others, the difference was barely noticeable. I have had a look at other student blogs and must admit that I don’t see too much difference with their either. Possibly it is the case that these differences are meant to be very subtle.